Architecting Solutions for the Future

Lyngon Pte. Ltd. is a Singapore IT startup, focusing on consulting, systems integration and middle-wares for distributed streaming analytics systems, such as Video Analytics and IoT solutions for smart cities, operational insights as well as data in motion. 

Systems Integration and Solution Architecture

Lyngon offers system integration and solution architecture consulting services for large scale, enterprise grade and/or internet scale applications spanning low-power edge devices, on-premise data-centers, the cloud as well as hybrid solutions.

Commercial Cloud (GCC)

Lyngon posess unique experience in solutioning and development of real world applications in Singapore Government Commercial Cloud (GCC), including integration between Internet and Whole-of-Governement (WoG) intranet sub-systems and users. 

Streaming Analytics and
Complex Event Processing

Lyngon focuses specifically on real-time applications involving mining high volume and velocity data streams such as video analytics for actionable insights. 

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